Monday, September 3, 2012

I Have a Blog?

Hello Readers!

Now that I semi understand where the title for this blog is supposed to go, I've found where to put the content for it! I'm learning so much already!

Hello! My name is Brianna Jasion and I'm a senior, elementary education major at the University of Maryland (insert applause and cheering here)! This is a very big day (week? weeks?) for me. Let me tell you:

On August 20th, I officially started my student teaching internship at Paint Branch Elementary with 4th grade. It is marvelous, wonderful, and everything I never hoped for, thought of, or imagined. The kids are wonderful, my mentor is great, and I get a kick out of spending my whole day with the intentional and unintentional comedians. I'm learning so much about teaching strategies and classroom management, and I'm looking forward to applying them!

On August 25th, I got to introduce myself as a second year Resident Assistant (RA) to my new, mainly underclassmen, residents who arrived to their residence hall and kicked off their Fall 2012 semester. They're getting acclimated quickly and seem to be meshing well as a floor and, as a lover of community development, this makes me very happy. 

On August 30th, I created my very own twitter. Although I haven't started following anyone other than Dr. Bote (as I have yet to really navigate the website), I have, in fact, put up a profile picture and fully intend to someday follow other people to enhance my PLN.  But wait, what's a PLN, you wonder? That is a great question! A PLN is short for Personal Learning Network, where one is supposed to accumulate and utilize resources that can be accessed quickly for the purpose of improving oneself as an educator. I believe that is a pretty accurate definition.

So here I am! In short, this blog will act as part of my PLN as I learn more about teaching, and, specifically, igniting a passion for mathematics through sparking genuine interest in my students. I will post anything helpful I find here, look for feedback from others, and perhaps follow other bloggers (does the term follow apply here too?). I'm not sure what trajectory this blog (or my PLN) is going to take, but I guess we'll find out together! It will be so fun!

First blog post, 4:41pm 9/3/2012. 

Yes, it is a very big day.

Carpe Diem, all day, everyday!
-Brianna Jasion

Feel free to check out my twitter! Even though there isn't much there now, I'm sure it will grow!

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